Darling Wong

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls.

Let me introduce you, my family latest addiction of the happy human being a.k.a the king of the family – Darling Wong Mun Lok. Yes, “Darling” is his english name as per created by his beloved mom – my sister – Lemoon Lai. Haha, no, just kidding. But we called him either “Darling” or “Lok Lok” or “Wong Mun Lok” or sometimes I will call him “Fan Shu” (sweet potato) hahaha, because he looks innocent all the time. My nephew is now at his 16 months old and growing tall, strong, big eater and naughty at the same time. He loves to smile and he’s really cheeky sometimes.

Darling Wong Mun Lok

Here I can sum up a 15 facts of this little potato boy as a yiyi (aunt) perspective:

1) He speak cantonese and english. “nggg moi” is his first spoken cantonese word which means “Don’t want” & “No”. He often “nggg moi” by turning his head left and right together with his hand. Haha, darn cute. And he know how to speak “ba”, “mummm mumm”, “ball” & “there” while pointing to the place he wanted to go as well. And he mumbles all the time. I bet he will be very talkative when he grows up.

2) His favourite toy is a soccer ball & balloons. He enjoy kicking the ball, and kissing balloons all the time. Other than this, he loves playing with car car and sometimes music instruments like piano, guitar and drum. I guess he might be growing up to be either an athlete or a musician. 😀

3) He loves eating. He eats all the time! He’s skinny, but he has very huge tummy. Whenever we eat, he will run towards and wanna have a bite. Or two, or until your plate is empty. Small kid, huge appetite.

4) He enjoys clapping hand. And he always invite everybody to do it together. Haha!

5) He had one smelly pillow where he can’t take his hand off that pillow and he enjoy biting it rigorously.

6) He enjoys listening to “Gangnam Style” by PSY.

7) He’s grumpy like his mom and naughty like his dad.

8) He’s pretty generous as he will feed us with his snacks when we asked for it.

9) He kissed each and everyone of us on the cheek when we request him to “kiss kiss”. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww.

10) His favourite pastime is dancing and singing. He move his hand, and shake his head and body when he listen to music and he “sing” when we pass him the mic!

11) He nod when he wants something or when he mean “yes”.

12) He have almost a complete set of teeth now 😀

13) He put his toy-phone or our smartphone under his neck nearby his ear and say “arrrlowww”.

14) He enjoys companion. He’s happy when there’s visitor visiting him and unwilling to sleep when he know there’s visitors around. Oh and he say “ooi” (his version of hi) with one hand raised to everyone he saw, the security guards, his neighbour and the laundry aunty too! 😀

15) He enjoys stealing people’s smartphone and sometimes accidentally invite the contact of the phone for some Facetime session. He once called sis’s boss for that. Haha, laugh die me. And he knows how to unlock your phone. Don’t play play. 

I guess I can keep this list running really long. Maybe I will updated this again few months later when he grew bigger, when he learned more words. He’s less grumpy now and very friendly. He brought tremendous joy to our Wong-Lai (Pineapple!!!?hahaha) family! And in a blink of an eye, he’s so big now. 🙂

Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok & MomLook alike 😀 Small version of Lemoon!Darling Wong Mun Lok & his smelly Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok & popoThe happy popo 🙂Darling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun LokI’m not sure is there any underage readers here so, I have to masked the private part. Haha!Darling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun LokOpps! Don’t hate yiyi ah, darling. You look so sexy 🙂Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun LokHappy darling playing hide and seek with us! 😀Darling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun LokMe and my smelly. Yummmms.Darling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun Lok & popo Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun Lok & mommy Darling Wong Mun Lok & mommy & daddyDarling Wong Mun LokAiyoooooo! Ok! What do you want darling? We will buy that for you because of this smile!Darling Wong Mun LokMunch munch munch. Enjoy eating his snacks before his supper is served.Darling Wong Mun Lok“Hou yeh!” Finished my snacks. Clap hand please.Darling Wong Mun Lok

Had this spontaneous photo-shooting session with this kid last weekend and it’s such a joy capturing him! 🙂

I love you, Darling Wong. Please grow up healthy and be a “darling” always and forever.

Photo taken by Canon MkIII with 50mm f1.4.



Your “yiyi” Eva.

A Beautiful Day at Sekinchan

It’s been a long long while since the last outing with a bunch of photo enthusiasm, and it’s great to be able to go places with a group of people who are in different industry but share almost the same interest and beliefs in photography. We went to this beautiful small town; Sekinchan which located nearby Kuala Selangor and Sabak Bernam. It took about 1 hour plus to reach this place from the place I stay. We went there during harvesting season (June, 2013) and we are expecting golden brown dried paddy instead of the green one. We drive along and finally saw some haystack which is really gorgeous. 🙂

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We went to explore the fisherman village nearby too.


Photo taken by Lomo LC-A & Lomo LC-Wide loaded with Kodak profoto XL 100, Lomo Chrome 100 & one roll of unidentify film. And my LC-A leaked randomly in the whole roll! Woots!

Beautiful weather, beautiful people. I miss going out on photo-outing. 🙂 Let’s go out and shoot, shall we?


Eva Eva

My Family

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning. It’s a spontaneous photo shoot. It’s my family photo shoot!

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It’s been a long while since the thought of capturing family portraits together at a park in my mind, but y’know things happened, dad not around anymore and everyone else getting busy with their own life. Sis gave birth to her first child – Lok Lok early this year added tremendous joy in everybody’s life in the family. Lok Lok is almost at his 8 months during the photo shoot. This little potato grows up very fast!

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In conjunction of the mid-autumn festival few days back, mom plan a trip to PJ, while brother is back as well. So, I think it’s really a good timing to head to the park and get few clicks done for a simple family photo shoot!

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(Well, true story…)

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In love with this scene and it’s feels really autumn to me. Enjoy my own sweet time posing with my ukelele. Hehe.

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The whole set captured by Alex – my lazy photographer and I’m really grateful that he’s here to capture my family portraits. Thank you, you are awesome! 🙂

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It’s been a long while since the last time we had a “proper” family photo, and we wish dad is here too. We miss you, dad. 🙂

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All pictures taken by Canon 5D MarkIII with an awesome 35mm f1.4 lens by Alexander Gan. 🙂


Eva Eva