The Amazing Two

My dear baby Nana,

On 26 June 2015, you made me a mother. On 26 June 2016, you turned 1 year old and today you are turning 2.


Where does all the time go?

In this year, you learned how to walk, run, jump, talk, sing, speak, communicate, draw, read books, make friends, bite and push other kids, greet, said sorry and thank you, being compassionate and expressing yourself. You are developing your own little character throughout your first birthday until today. You are demanding, sometimes annoying but yet you are very loving. You impress me every single day on all the tiny little milestones that you achieved. I’m truly grateful that I’m there, to be with you, to witness all of them and to teach as well as learn together with you.

You speak Malaysian English, Cantonese and a little bit of Mandarin. By age of 2, you can speak a short sentence with 3 different languages. You are truly Malaysian.

You still hurt yourself every now and then because sometimes I’m not fast enough to run towards you and protect you. You are very petite in size as to compare to your age and sometimes I get comments from strangers as if I starve you and ate all the food myself. Sometimes we eat out when I’m too lazy (or frustrated to cook). There you might have eaten some msg or whatever seasoning that isn’t good for your health. Sometimes I ignore you because I’m too tired (or lazy) to response. I just wanted to let you know that I’m not a perfect mother. But I’m trying to be as good as possible, to love and to protect you with everything I have.

Thank you for calling me “mummy mummy mummy” endlessly. Thank you for giving me a pat on my shoulder when I told you “mummy is sad”. Thank you for letting me sleep in a little bit more in some days without waking me up and greet me with your charming smile with your best “good morning mummy” greeting every morning. Thank you for kissing me good night before you go to the bed. Thank you for loving me wholeheartedly every minute every second until you need to peak on me when I’m on the toilet doing my business. Thank you for running towards me and hug my leg when I’m in the kitchen cooking our meal just because you wish I can sit down and play with you. Thank you for giving me a thumbs up on the food I cook for you. Thank you for testing my limit and challenge my patience. Thank you for giving me joy and laughter. Most of all, thank you for being my friend and spending these beautiful moments with me.


26 June 2017.

Happy 2nd Birthday my baby girl. You are and always will be my baby.


Your mummy mummy mummy.


Images taken at various places using Lomo LC-A+ & LC-Wide loaded with various film.

You made me a mother

26 June 2015.

My dear Nana, you made me a mother.

It’s been the most stressful,  intense, challenging but absolutely wonderful year. The days are slow, but the years are fast. In a blink of an eye, from a tiny little newborn baby to this cheeky little girl. I can’t believe how you have grown from day 1!

The very first moment when I saw you, I remember I said: “oh my god, oh my god”. I held you in my arms, you were laying on my chest. You covered with some fluids which make you look a bit greyish, and you are very fragile. You did not cry it out loud by the moment you are here, you look calm which not the same case when you were grown because you cried hysterically most of the time. Hahahahahaa.


I have to admit it is not love at first sight. It’s strange. It’s not how I imagine it would be. You seem like a stranger to be, but yet you are somebody very close to me. It’s strange. Life was so hard, it’s getting really tough. I’m new to everything; breastfeeding, taking care a baby, changing diapers, bathed a newborn, all my hormones runs up and downs. Even all the baby products overwhelmed me. There are days where I broke down, I feel that I wasn’t ready being a mother.

Days by days were gone, the strange feeling getting lesser and lesser and I started to cope with my life with you. Every day I hope I could provide you the best I can. Never in my life that someone ever made me feeling so. But for you, I’m willing to do so. And they said, you will finally understand how does it feel to be a mother when you are a mother yourself. When you are gifted with a baby, you are gifted with a super power as well. There’s nothing you can’t do for your kids. Even with all the stress and difficulties, as well as all the midnight pumping and nursing, I choose to continue to provide you mother’s milk no matter how difficult it is. I hope it’s nutritious enough to build you stronger. It’s not an easy journey, but I make it through for a year already now and might still continue on. I’ll let you wean it off on your own automatically when the time comes.

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My dear, you have no idea how many sleepless nights both me and your father went through after you were born. We were frustrated, feeling fatigue, very tired at work but all these feeling was gone, when we came home after a long day at work and play with you. You grow up to be very cheeky. You enjoy people’s companion. You likes to play with elder kids/babies and enjoy laughing and smile all the time. It’s so priceless to us, no matter how tired we are, your smiles brighten up everything. You might be too young to understand how does the real world is, I hope you can continue to be as innocent and as curious as you are as a baby. And you have no idea how much joy you bring to us since the day you arrive.

Thank you for being part of our life. You change my life, you make me discover an inner part of myself that I have no idea it actually exists. You made my life so meaningful. And most importantly, you made me a mother.

13241651_10153916768049667_683447161_oCredit goes to our friend, Stephen Yap @ RS Studio for this image!

26 June 2016.

Happy 1st Birthday, oh my baby Nana.

Stay healthy and happy always. We will always love you. Forever it will be.


Your mother.





Kayden turns ONE!

Kayden boy turns one!

Few years back I’m shooting Pat & Loon’s engagement photos; last year shooting Pat’s maternity and just a blink of an eye, Kayden boy is one. 🙂


They drop by last weekend for a super express photo shoot. Without any studio lighting (hence all these shadows) and simple props prepare by Pat. The shoot starts and ends in maybe 30 minutes? Super express one.


And here comes the special guest – Nana! Hahahaha!

Anyways, hope Kayden had a blast celebrating his first birthday today; and to Pat & Loon, congrats on surviving one year of parenthood! Cheers to many more exciting years to come.

Happy Birthday, Kayden Boy!


Eva Eva Yiyi 😀

Wailoon + Peipei & Baby Woo

Hey man, time flies! My dear old time school mate is expecting her first baby! Pat and I staying at the same garden during our school days and we went to school together everyday. Fast forward 20 years plus, she’s now married and is mother-to-be. I’m very grateful to be able to capture her casual pre-wedding few years back (check out the digital series here and analogue series here) and I’m happy be to able to have a simple maternity shots with them at the park before their little one came into this world. This whole series is taken in less than an hour (an express one, haha!) and I hope both of them enjoyed the photographs as much as I enjoy shooting them.

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Photo taken by Canon MkIII with 35mm.


Eva Eva

Darling Wong

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls.

Let me introduce you, my family latest addiction of the happy human being a.k.a the king of the family – Darling Wong Mun Lok. Yes, “Darling” is his english name as per created by his beloved mom – my sister – Lemoon Lai. Haha, no, just kidding. But we called him either “Darling” or “Lok Lok” or “Wong Mun Lok” or sometimes I will call him “Fan Shu” (sweet potato) hahaha, because he looks innocent all the time. My nephew is now at his 16 months old and growing tall, strong, big eater and naughty at the same time. He loves to smile and he’s really cheeky sometimes.

Darling Wong Mun Lok

Here I can sum up a 15 facts of this little potato boy as a yiyi (aunt) perspective:

1) He speak cantonese and english. “nggg moi” is his first spoken cantonese word which means “Don’t want” & “No”. He often “nggg moi” by turning his head left and right together with his hand. Haha, darn cute. And he know how to speak “ba”, “mummm mumm”, “ball” & “there” while pointing to the place he wanted to go as well. And he mumbles all the time. I bet he will be very talkative when he grows up.

2) His favourite toy is a soccer ball & balloons. He enjoy kicking the ball, and kissing balloons all the time. Other than this, he loves playing with car car and sometimes music instruments like piano, guitar and drum. I guess he might be growing up to be either an athlete or a musician. 😀

3) He loves eating. He eats all the time! He’s skinny, but he has very huge tummy. Whenever we eat, he will run towards and wanna have a bite. Or two, or until your plate is empty. Small kid, huge appetite.

4) He enjoys clapping hand. And he always invite everybody to do it together. Haha!

5) He had one smelly pillow where he can’t take his hand off that pillow and he enjoy biting it rigorously.

6) He enjoys listening to “Gangnam Style” by PSY.

7) He’s grumpy like his mom and naughty like his dad.

8) He’s pretty generous as he will feed us with his snacks when we asked for it.

9) He kissed each and everyone of us on the cheek when we request him to “kiss kiss”. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww.

10) His favourite pastime is dancing and singing. He move his hand, and shake his head and body when he listen to music and he “sing” when we pass him the mic!

11) He nod when he wants something or when he mean “yes”.

12) He have almost a complete set of teeth now 😀

13) He put his toy-phone or our smartphone under his neck nearby his ear and say “arrrlowww”.

14) He enjoys companion. He’s happy when there’s visitor visiting him and unwilling to sleep when he know there’s visitors around. Oh and he say “ooi” (his version of hi) with one hand raised to everyone he saw, the security guards, his neighbour and the laundry aunty too! 😀

15) He enjoys stealing people’s smartphone and sometimes accidentally invite the contact of the phone for some Facetime session. He once called sis’s boss for that. Haha, laugh die me. And he knows how to unlock your phone. Don’t play play. 

I guess I can keep this list running really long. Maybe I will updated this again few months later when he grew bigger, when he learned more words. He’s less grumpy now and very friendly. He brought tremendous joy to our Wong-Lai (Pineapple!!!?hahaha) family! And in a blink of an eye, he’s so big now. 🙂

Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok & MomLook alike 😀 Small version of Lemoon!Darling Wong Mun Lok & his smelly Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok & popoThe happy popo 🙂Darling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun LokI’m not sure is there any underage readers here so, I have to masked the private part. Haha!Darling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun LokOpps! Don’t hate yiyi ah, darling. You look so sexy 🙂Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun LokHappy darling playing hide and seek with us! 😀Darling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun LokMe and my smelly. Yummmms.Darling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun Lok & popo Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun Lok Darling Wong Mun LokDarling Wong Mun Lok & mommy Darling Wong Mun Lok & mommy & daddyDarling Wong Mun LokAiyoooooo! Ok! What do you want darling? We will buy that for you because of this smile!Darling Wong Mun LokMunch munch munch. Enjoy eating his snacks before his supper is served.Darling Wong Mun Lok“Hou yeh!” Finished my snacks. Clap hand please.Darling Wong Mun Lok

Had this spontaneous photo-shooting session with this kid last weekend and it’s such a joy capturing him! 🙂

I love you, Darling Wong. Please grow up healthy and be a “darling” always and forever.

Photo taken by Canon MkIII with 50mm f1.4.



Your “yiyi” Eva.