Kayden turns ONE!

Kayden boy turns one!

Few years back I’m shooting Pat & Loon’s engagement photos; last year shooting Pat’s maternity and just a blink of an eye, Kayden boy is one. 🙂


They drop by last weekend for a super express photo shoot. Without any studio lighting (hence all these shadows) and simple props prepare by Pat. The shoot starts and ends in maybe 30 minutes? Super express one.


And here comes the special guest – Nana! Hahahaha!

Anyways, hope Kayden had a blast celebrating his first birthday today; and to Pat & Loon, congrats on surviving one year of parenthood! Cheers to many more exciting years to come.

Happy Birthday, Kayden Boy!


Eva Eva Yiyi 😀

When Life Gives You Lemons

Let’s make an icy cold lemonade drink!

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Hahaha! I know it’s nothing related to the title at all, but I loving how the green collide with the yellow and black. It reminds me of an icy cold lemonade drink. 🙂 Oh, and it’s a spontaneous shots taking place at a car park.

Taken by Canon F1 x Efiniti UXI 200 and Canon AE-1 x Lomo Xpro 200. Check out the difference texture of both films. A spontaneous collaborations with PlusMinus.



Eva Eva

Kok Wei : A Guy On A Ride (Film)


It’s a prompt shooting of Kokwei and his BMX’s portrait at a car park during late at night! 🙂 Fun! This portraiture was taken using LC-A and LC-Wide. 🙂