Mr.Hng + Jinboon (Film)

Today, my Jinboon is going to be Mrs. Hng!

Jinboon, her real name is Sock Boon and why do we add in”Jin” whenever we call her? That’s not very hard to guess, she’s very “jin” in person. But even if that so, she’s one of my closest friend where together we share a lot of thoughts, ups and downs in life and growing older together.

Being able to capture a best friend’s couple portrait indeed something I enjoy to do very much. It’s so casual and relax and it’s a blessing to be part of their journey in some way that it will makes me feel really great to be able to contribute something that they will remember in their life. I do hope they will like these few casual images I took for them. 🙂


000027 000029 000036 000045 000046 000047 000048 000049 copy 000051

So playing with each other chin is your thing eh? Haha!000040 000042 000046 000048 000049 000051 000052 copy 000054 000055 copy

They are more like best buddy than a very sweet loving couple. But to be able to marry your best friend, is one of the most romantic thing to do. 🙂

000015 000016 000023 000054 000055My blessing to you both, my best friend. Happy marriage! 🙂

000058 000059000057And me trying to camouflage together with this beautiful wall.

This series taken by Canon F1 and LC-A loaded with Agfa CT Percisa 100.


Eva Eva

Nicholas + Ida (Film)

Oct 2014

The casual photo shoot took place at the beautiful Sekinchan. It’s always a great place to shoot and short get-away, where you could find lots of sunshine, fresh air, peaceful surrounding and good food. Went there for a analogue photo walk with a bunch of analogue enthusiast before this and been there many years back to shoot on one of my Lomo buddies’s couple portraits too. Went there few weeks ago to shoot this sweet couple, Nicholas and Ida on the green green paddy field. And congratulations to Nicholas and Ida whom going to tied the knot on the next coming weekend!


000069000030 000074 000073 000075000071 000072 000067000068 000070000066 000065 000064 000034000076

000003  000007 000009     000044000020000022  000028 000026000029000038 000057  000063

000061000066 000064000036


This series is a mixture taken by Canon F1 and my faithful LC-A+, loaded with Fuji ProPlus II (200) and Agfa CT Precisa 100. Wasn’t sure what’s going on with the ProPlus film, it turn out pretty dull and grainy, but then I hope the couple will love these pictures I took for them.

Dear Nicholas and Ida, congratulations and best wishes for a happy life together!


Eva Eva

A Get-Away From The Hustle Bustle City, Kin Tick Orchard Village

May 2014.

A short weekend getaway with my dear friend Jinboon and her dear neighbours to Kin Tick Orchard Village, a resort somewhere nearby Bentong and Bukit Tinggi.

Well, basically, there’s nothing to do here. People who came here, looking for a good environment, to stay overnight, to do nothing, to just chill with family and friends, to get away from the busy daily life at the hustle bustle city. The village are still new, and there’s few activities you can do over here, like e.g. jungle tracking, swimming, jogging and cycling. The good thing about this place is, low internet connectivity and coverage. Basically, you might lost contact with the world. Which is important when you came to a place like this, you can really just put away your phone and stay connected with the people beside you.



Slow internet connectivity.





16Read and just chill. 




Sweet couples.


Single and available. Any takers? Haha!


Taking nap.




Same skin color. Friend friend.27

Well, under such environment and weather, it’s perfect to take a nap.


Groupie by self-timer.

It’s indeed a great place for a bunch of friends or family members to gather together.

This series taken by Canon F1 loaded with Fomapan 100 (B&W).

Horas, Danau Toba!

It’s our annual trip and from 13th – 17th Sept 2013, exactly one year ago, we heading to Lake Toba, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia.

Lake Toba is the site of a massive super volcanic eruption that occur many thousands years ago, and it was the largest known explosive eruption on Earth. The moment I knew the history of this particular lake, am really impressed.

We flew from different places and meeting up at Medan; from Kuala Lumpur, Pekanbaru, Penang, Singapore and Kuantan. Then we start our journey to the ‘danau’ (it means lake in Malay) and it tooks about 5-6 hours bus ride. It was a very tiring journey, but despite all the tiredness, we are glad that we could meet up and gather together. Well, after 5-6hours bus ride we finally reached the jetty where it’s the place we wait for the big ferry which bring us to across to the island where all the resorts located. And, we waited for a great 4-5hours to finally reached our turn to go in. GOSH! We accidentally bump into the same weekend of the “Festival Danau Toba” which there’s lots of happening events, which is great, but, it explain why the queue to the island is so long as well. At 2am local time, we finally reached the resort and everyone is superb exhausted.

But the scenic view of the lake does worth all the waits. We went for sight-seeing, cruise, swim at the lake (which is really hard, haha, as we need to use lots of energy to make ourselves float and move around compare to swimming in the pool or by the sea.). Oh, and we had one very “magical night” as well. 😀

We spent around 2 days here and then we head to Berastagi, where by the time we visiting Mt. Sinabung near the hill towns of Berastagi erupted again! Gosh, and  by the time we visited Berastagi, it’s full of ashes and it’s not suitable for sightseeing. Anyhow, we head back to Medan after a night stay at the town. We did nothing much but just walking around and enjoying some Chinese delicacy around the town.

A short trip, pretty tiring, few of us experience food poisoning and fever during the trip but then, it’s good to be able to meet up and travel together with my dear friends.

000063 000064 000065 000066 000067 000068 000069 000070 C015420-R1-11-11A C015420-R1-12-12A C015420-R1-14-14A C015420-R1-15-15A C015420-R1-16-16A C015420-R1-17-17A C015420-R1-18-18A C015420-R1-19-19A C015420-R1-21-21A C015420-R1-22-22A C015420-R1-23-23A C015420-R1-26-26A C015420-R1-27-27A C015420-R1-28-28A C015420-R1-29-29A C015420-R1-31-31A C015420-R1-32-32A C015420-R1-33-33A C015420-R1-34-34A C015420-R1-35-35A C015422-R1-01-0 C015422-R1-03-2 C015422-R1-05-6 C015422-R1-08-9 C015422-R1-12-13 C015422-R1-13-14 C015422-R1-15-16 C015422-R1-16-17 C015422-R1-17-18 C015422-R1-18-18 C015422-R1-19-22A C015422-R1-20-21 C015422-R1-21-22 C015422-R1-22-23 C015422-R1-23-23 C015422-R1-24-27A C015422-R1-26-27 C015422-R1-28-28 C015422-R1-32-32A C015422-R1-33-32A C015422-R1-34-33A C015422-R1-35-34A C015422-R1-36-35A C015422-R1-37-36A C015423-R1-26-27 C015423-R1-28-29 C015423-R1-29-30 C015429-R1-29-30 C015429-R1-30-31 C015429-R1-31-32 C015429-R1-32-33 C015429-R1-34-35 C015429-R1-35-36 C015429-R1-36-37 C015429-R1-38-39C015440-R1-15-16 C015440-R1-16-17 C015440-R1-17-18 C015440-R1-18-19 C015440-R1-19-20 C015440-R1-20-21 C015440-R1-21-22 C015440-R1-22-23

Photo taken by LC-A, LC-Wide, Fisheye Baby110 and Canon F1 (basically it’s my first roll and all pics when underexposure :().

Till then, ciao danau toba!


Eva Eva

Bali – The Land of A Thousand Temples and A Million Smiles

Bali, my favourite place in Indonesia. I spent my 28th & 29th birthday on the exactly same place, with the same person, and it was beautiful.


For those who never been to this place before, you can find almost everything here, from peaceful greenery paddy field to the superb happening kuta & legian street, from visiting the volcano as well as indulging into some extreme water sports. Oh, and and yes it’s a great spot for surfer! Aww, I’m in love. 🙂


My first trip to the island is on Nov 2012, and because it’s my first trip, I went to the whole island (ermmmm, maybe only half) for sight seeing. It’s crowded. Mostly all the tourist spots are so crowded with tourist. Except for the peaceful Ubud. Unfortunately, it’s raining season in Nov, so I was basically spent my first few days in car travelling from one place to another, or in a hotel, resting. Anyways, I manage to grab some really nice nasi campur with super romantic ambience around here in Ubud. I had a great 28th peaceful-birthday here. Then we head to Kuta and spent the rest of our days there. Kuta, it’s a whole different story! We hardly find someone around Ubud, even the resort we are staying are small and less crowded. It’s really really quiet. While on the other hand, Kuta, it’s a wonderful world! Hahaha! I’m stunned and shock for a little while once I step onto this town. It’s superb happening! There’s pubs and disco along the street with a lot of gwai zai and gwai mui (foreigner), whom mostly I guess are from Australia and at around age 18-21, whom dress up very little, ehem (both boys and girls :D) and walking by the street with a bottle of beer on hand. I’m impressed with the nightlife at this small but happening Kuta! We had night ride around this area and it can be really congested during the weekend, but fun! Other than that, it’s easy to find a good massage place around here too and we basically reward ourselves with balinese massage to end our night, every night. Well, we basically do nothing here in Kuta except surfing, sleep by the beach and make some new friends and that’s awesome!

000015000011 copy 000012 copy 000014 copy000016000021 copy 000023 copy 000024 copy 2 000026 copy 3 000026 copy 000028 copy 000028 000029 copy 000033 000034 000035 000036 copy 000037 copy 000038 copy 000040 000041 copy 2000001000004000009000011000012000014000020 copy000022 copy000021000022000024000026 copy 2000026000027000036000037000038000043000044000045

My second trip happen to be on the same period, in Nov 2013, during my 29th birthday. This time, we went nowhere except Kuta. No more sight-seeing, no more tourist spots, only for food and beach and that’s it. That’s all I want for my birthday. We basically do nothing everyday. Sleep by the beach, surf a little, make some new friends and meet up with the old friends we met last year. They remember us, and that feeling is pretty cool. 🙂 Went to search for good food and good coffee place, it’s really great to do nothing basically. 😀 Oh, and the best meal I ever had in Bali would still be at Warung Nuri’s Pork Rib. And another beautiful spot would be the place I spent my birthday eve; Rock Bar at Ayana Resort. It’s a beautiful night and I had a lot of fun. 🙂

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000001 000042 000043 000044 000045 000046copy 000049 000050 000051000055 000058000060 000062

I guess I might not going back to Bali anytime soon but I do miss Bali a lot. Till I see you again, Bali.


This series taken by Lomo LC-A, Lomo LC-Wide, Fisheye Baby 110, Belair 6×12, Canon F1 loaded with various films.


Eva Eva